
Dial M for ...Museum There is nothing easier, in theory, than calling a museum M. … To date we knew acronyms that were slightly longer, such as the three signs for the V&A (Victoria & Albert Museum), four letters for the MoMA (Museum of Modern Art) and even five for the new generation of Macro, Maxxi (both in Rome), Mambo (Bologna) or Mucem (Marseille). The Belgians are also tempted by short cuts – and we only hope that no analogy will develop with Fritz Lang’s famous movie… A real museum with its own history hides behind this new name, that of the Vander Kelen-Mertens museum in Louvain, completely redesigned by Stéphane Beel. Its collections of Renaissance sculpture and painting on panels remain remarkable and obviously motivated the opening exhibition: a retrospective dedicated to Rogier van der Weyden. The choice is also remarkable in the literal sense: five centuries before the creation of the M museum, the great Flemish master had decided to modify his identity by translating his native French name into Flemish. An exhibition of Roger de le Pasture at the Vander Kelen-Mertens museum would surely have sounded less exciting …
The M museum opens on 20 September at 28 Leopold Vanderkelenstraat in Louvain. The exhibition «Rogier van der Weyden, master of passions» will be held until 12 December 2009.Know more

Turner, under the influence LONDON – Who could forget the success of the exhibition «Picasso and the great masters» in the winter 2009 with nearly 800 000 visitors at the Grand Palais which was open 24/24 during the last days (the success was echoed later at the Tate Modern)? The managers of the Tate Britain were tempted to use the same recipe, and set out to find the national artist who could equal this feat. Not surprisingly, their choice went to Turner, the only one capable of arousing the crowds (Gainsborough is too aristocratic, Constable surely to close to the country scene). So Turner is confronted to all the geniuses he considered worthy rivals of his own fame. His Crossing the brook hangs next to Moses saved from the waters of the Nile by his idol Le Lorrain, a Moonlight, a study from Millbank next to Flight to Egypt by Rembrandt. But there are not only ancestors: the most beautiful dual is undoubtedly the one that opposes him to Constable with the return of the two works presented at the exhibition at the Royal Academy in 1832. To distinguish himself from his rival, Turner had added at the last moment a red buoy in the middle of his port scene…
Turner and the Masters at the Tate Britain from 23 September to 31 January 2010Know more
Nuvolari, on the other side of the lens ... MANTUA – While France boasted of a «Bouncing Basque» (Borotra), Italy prided itself at the same era with a «Flying Mantuan», who was just as famous in the sports circles. It was Tazio Nuvolari (1892-1953), who won 141 car and motorcycle races. The mannerist Palazzo Te (decorated by Jules Romain) is the stage to the saga of this native son, who one day reached the victory line in bandages as he had just come out of hospital; and who another time driving at night, turned off his headlights in order to surprise his rival at the Mille Migliarace… The most surprising aspect of this hagiographic exhibition is not due to the exceptional vehicles – Bugatti or Auto Union – but rather to its photographic side. Nuvolari, marked by family dramas (his two sons died, ten years apart), developed a passion for the dark room. The two thousand negatives recently found present a true family and social chronicle from the end of the thirties, remarkable by the true talent in framing and seizing the «decisive instant».
Quando scatta Nuvolari at the Fruttiere de Palazzo Te, from 17 September to 18 December 2009.Know more
The magnificent Venetian three PARIS – In the middle of the XVIth century the artistic scene in Venice saw the confrontation of three major artists: Titian the elderly giant still capable of surprising by his innovations, the ambitious Tintoretto and Veronese the «foreigner» (he arrived from Verona in 1553). Through more than eighty paintings the Louvre traces the original conditions that allowed for these geniuses to live side-by-side. The existence of numerous amateurs (the State, the patricians, the scuole or religious brotherhoods) who were interested in a very wide choice of themes (religious or profane) and a system of public commissions not very foreign from the one we know (for example for the room of the Great Council at the palace of the Doges). This explains the abundant production of these three men, who often competed for the same project or challenged one another at a distance by treating identical themes (Danae, the Pilgrims of Emmaus or portraits of popes or doges). And if Titian, Veronese and Tintoretto were so radiant, it was also due to that permanent competition that constantly gave way to new talents, ready to throw themselves into the arena, such as Bassano or Palma the younger.
Titien, Tintoret, Véronèse… Rivalités à Venise at the Louvre museum, from 17 September 2009 to 4 January 2010Know more
Artoftheday also suggests... |
At the Manufacture des Gobelins, in Paris, Royal splendor brings back to life the sumptuous tapestries from the Grand Century. From 20 September to 15 November 2009Know more
At the Cernuschi museum, in Paris, the exhibition Buddhas from Shandong will allow us to glimpse at a culture that is not well-known, that of Chinese statues from the VIth century.From 18 September 2009 to 3 January 2010Know more
In Padova, the Palazzo Zabarella presents one of the great artists from the XIXth century in Tuscany, Telemaco Signorini, by confronting him to his European pairs, from Degas to Tissot. From 19 September 2009 to 31 January 2010Know more

A pinch of snuff? PARIS – When the French tobacco producer was called the Seita, it had a museum where one could see excellent exhibitions (on Baroque art in Paraguay for example). It also had a permanent collection, which Altadis, the Franco-Spanish entity that came after the Seita, seems not to want to deal with since it was absorbed in 2007 by a dreadful predator, Imperial Tobacco. The contents of this collection – grinders, snuff boxes, oxygen based lighters, exotic signs, tobacco jars, pipes – are consequently going to be dispersed at an auction. This first sale of nearly 500 lots – most of them estimated at a few hundred euros – will be followed by a second one in Riom, with auctioneer Butant, at a date not yet given. This is a sad ending for an adventure that had started with flying colors. Indeed, in 1937, the Monopole des Tabacs showed its first purchases at the Colonial Exhibition in Paris, in a building designed by Mallet-Stevens himself…
Collection de la Seita, at Richelieu-Drouot (Piasa), 18 September 2009, 11 :00 AM and 2 :00 PMKnow more


Ivan Navarro, Nowhere Man 7, 2009, Fluorescent light, metal fixtures and electric energy, 77,5 x 65 in.
Edition of 3 + 1 AP, courtesy galerie Daniel Templon, Paris | Ivan Navarro At the biennale of Venice, he illuminated the Chilean pavilion in one of the rooms of the former Arsenal. Ivan Navarro, born in 1972, is an apostle of neon. The fact that Dan Flavin or François Morellet dealt with it before him does not scare him at all. While he can be strictly geometric and colorful (with his alignment of colored doorsteps in Venice), he also loves «figurative» art. Proof of this, his white characters, who reinterpret the pictograms of the various sports at the Olympic Games – boxers, sprinters or swimmers. His most surprising works are conceptual though. These are metal jugs that become bottomless wells through untainted mirrors, and in which we see at infinitum formulas such as «Echo». Or, clearly more psychoanalytical, a «Me» which through the simple game of reflections, becomes «We»…
Ivan Navarro is presented at the galerie Daniel Templon (30 rue Beaubourg, 75003) until 24 October 2009.Know more


| Little house in the trees The perfect dream of every child is to build a tree house. The ideal place to hide, to dream, to plot or to count marbles … The Cabane Perchée association, founded by a former advertiser, has turned it into something very serious. During some ten years now it has built over two hundred of these houses that would have enchanted Italo Calvino’s Baron in the trees. Some are very sober, others luxurious, with a king size bed and muslin curtains. They can be placed in a sequoia, or an oak tree – the most logical choices – as well as on a lime or even a cypress tree, they can barely stick out of the ground or fly 14 metres above it. This books draws up the census of these creations, an interesting contribution to contemporary architecture, if for no other reason due to the almost exclusive use of a natural material, wood.
Cabanes d’exception texts by Ingrid Astier, photographs by Jacques Delacroix, La Martinière, 2009, 224 p., 42 €, ISBN : 978-2-7324-3939-6 Buy that book from Amazon

BEAUVAIS – The 6th festival of photography Photaumnales, opened on 12 September and will last until 8 November 2009. Know more
GRAND-PRESSIGNY (France) – On one of the richest sites in Europe in Neolithic sculpted flint, the Prehistoric museum opens on 20 September 2009 in a building designed by Bernd Hoge. Know more
GWANGJU (South Korea) –The design Biennale will be held from 18 September to 11 October 2009. Know more
ISSY-LES-MOULINEAUX –The Biennale of contemporary art of Issy will be held from 18 September to 25 October 2009. Know more
LONDON – The Victoria & Albert Museum will inaugurate on 18 September 2009 its new rooms dedicated to ceramics: over 5000 pieces will be exhibited over two floors. Know more
PARIS – Photoquai, the 2nd biennale of images of the world, organized by the Quai Branly museum, will be held from 22 September to 15 November 2009. Know more
SELESTAT –The biennale of contemporary art, Selest’art, will be held from 12 September to 11 October 2009. Know more
PARIS –New upheaval in the case of the hôtel Lambert, the historic building from the time of Louis XIII on the île Saint-Louis, bought by the royal family of Qatar: the administrative judge has just ordered that all renovation works be suspended. |
VERSAILLES – The Opéra royal du Château (the Castle's Royal Opera)will reopen its doors on 21 September after two years of works. Know more


| REOPENING OF THREE GALLERIES AT THE CINQUANTENAIRE MUSEUM BRUSSELS - The Cinquantenaire Museum inaugurates its permanent galleries dedicated to lapidary sculpture, precision instruments and metal arts. At the same time, il opens a new exhibition dedicated to XVIIIth century perspective views. Know more