Our publications
Designed only for, and according to, the internet, ArtoftheDay weekly and its French edition ArtAujourdhui.hebdo are made to inform and briefly comment on current art events in France and in the world, by always giving a link towards on-line files to immediately know more. It appears every Thursday and focuses mainly on the week to come in order to enable the readers to choose among the events of the moment; it can also announce major events ahead of time, or go back on past events that deserve further information. Ot is sent toour 60 000subscribers, appears on the front page of our website during the entire week, and is regularly picked up by the search engines
It is a new type of press title, written by professional journalists. As such its contents depend on the choices made by the editing staff, who pick the events which are more likely to interest its readers, excluding all advertising concerns.And like all press titles it accepts interactive advertising, through sponsored links or advertising banners, referring to your website or your files on line.
What you must do to inform us of your fothcoming ativity : Send us your information, as early as possible of course
At the right address:
BY MAIL: 38 avenue Villemain - 75014 Paris France
BY e-MAIL (we prefer): documentation@artoftheday.com
No particular name is necessary : the mail is sorted out according to its content and distributed to the right person.