Apart from being on the Unesco World Heritage List and having a celebrated music and drama festival each summer, Salzburg has added a new incentive on its agenda: the Salzburg World Fine Art Fair (SWFAF), organized by Bruce Lamarche, Teresa Jedina and Art Culture Studio. In 2007, the first edition attracted 13,500 visitors. The fair, which is seen as a significant enrichment of the festival programme, is held in the Residenz, the former palace of the Prince Archbishop of Salzburg
A cast of renowned dealers
Salzburg World Fine Art Fair promises to be a major attraction to collectors, connoisseurs and art lovers alike. The rich mix of works or art on view includes fine furniture, porcelain, silver, jewellery, objets d’art, sculpture, works on paper, old master paintings, classical modern art, tapestries, contemporary art and modern design. Around 30 of Europe’s best-known dealers are participating, including Jean David Cahn (Basel); Albrecht Neuhaus (Würzburg); Konrad O. Bernheimer (Munich/ London/ Hof. Salzburg); Röbbig (Munich); Dr. Nöth (Ansbach); Kovacek (Vienna); Wienerroither & Kohlbacher (Vienna); Salis & Vertes (Salzburg/ St. Moritz); and B. & B. Steinitz (Paris). They will be joined by fair newcomers Helga Matzke (Munich); Dr. Stefan Brenske (Munich); Christian Eduard Franke (Bamberg) and Patrick Kovacs (Vienna). Many of these dealers are regular exhibitors at The European Fine Art Fair, Maastricht and the Paris Biennale des Antiquaires.
llustration: Pair of chenets, with horse in the "Levade" Paris c.1740, bronze, H37 cm, L 34,5 cm. Albrecht Neuhaus Kunsthandel
An array of outstanding works of art
Among the exceptional pieces to be admired, Röbbig (Munich) has a pair of Meissen Spaniels, modelled by J.J. Kändler (ca. 1742) while Konrad O. Bernheimer (Munich/ London/ Hof b. Salzburg) exhibits a selection of watercolours from Dutch old masters including a still life by Jacob van Walscapelle (1644-1727). Dr. Nöth (Ansbach) shows a beautiful pastel from Max Liebermann and Wienerroither & Kohlbacher (Vienna) a rich series of works on paper by Klimt et Schiele. Photography is well represented at Johannes Faber (Vienna) with major pieces by Manuel Alvarez Bravo (1902-2002), Rudolf Koppitz (1884-1936) and Edward Steichen (1879-1973). Works from the Wiener Werkstatte, including furniture by Josef Hoffmann can be seen at Patrick Kovacs. Oberschwäbische Barockgalerie (Ochsenhausen) shows outstanding statues, among them a Pietŕ by Joseph Christian von Riedlingen (ca. 1750) and a wooden Saint Michel from Tyrol (ca. 1490).
Illustration: St Michael c.1490, 116x70x38 cm Oberschwabische Barokgalerie
Between baroque and modern art…
Lovers of modern art will also find their share of excitement with « Modern 08 », designed by Isabella Goebel, an art historian from Munich with the contribution of first-rate galleries. In the Kaizer Saal of the Residenz are gathered major works by famous artists like Tom Wesselmann, Georg Baselitz, Tony Cragg, Mel Ramos or Jason Martin. Anxious to help in the restoration of the city’s main monuments, the organizers have decided to give a share of the proceeds towards the restoration of one of the outstanding baroque churches of Europe, the Kollegienkirche, built between 1696 and 1707 by Johann Bernhard Fischer von Erlach.
Illustration: Alexej von Jawlensky: Variation Zartlichkeiten, 1916,1917, Oil over pencil, 350x260mm, on linen finish paper. Wienerroither & Kholbacher Kunsthandel