Home > Antique Dealers

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This directory offers a selection of antique dealers in France, Belgium and Switzerland, and gives you all the practical information you need to visit them.

To help you make your first researches, here are a few examples of the options available to you.

Geographical search

Select the country

We offer you a list of the French-speaking countries in which we have registered antiques galleries. By  clicking on the name of a country, you will be given all the cities and galleries in the country in question. By clicking on a gallery's name, you will get access directly to its presentation file.

Multiple criteria search

Select the country and eventually the city

If the list of cities is too long, you may access directly  the town of your choice hrough the pop up menu

Select the speciality

To select the speciality that interests you – from archeology to art déco – a pop up menu gives you the galleries’ fields of activity. Choose a speciality to  get all the galleries connected with the speciality selected.

Warning ! Many galleries offer a variety of themes. So the same gallery may appear on several lists of answers based on specialities. Conversely, if you don’t change the "All specialities" field, you will be given all galleries.

Direct search by name

If you know the name of the gallery, you can fill in the blank “name” field and click on OK to access the information, without bringing the other search criteria into play.

You can enter the full or abbreviated name – in capital or small letters, with or without accents - or 3 letters from one of the key words in it.

Examples : galerie Didier Aaron - Didier Aaron - aaron - AAR - aar

If you have entered only the first 3 letters of a word, you will be given all the galleries with names including that group of 3 letters.

You can make your search more specific at will by combining the various selection criteria.

Examples : Country + Speciality / Country + City + Speciality / All countries + Name or 3 letters from the name - etc.

NB - In our answers we will give you the name of galleries using the original spelling and accents as far as possible. But the search engine deals with accented letters on its own. You can omit cedillas and other accents.