Art Of The Day Weekly
#287 - from 24 January 2013 to 30 January 2013

Figure of a woman, end of 6th century BC, Museum of Apollonia. Courtesy Palazzo Madama, Turin.
Mysteries of Albania
Under Enver Hodja Albania was, with North Korea, one of the most closed countries in the world. Tomorrow it could be a candidate to become a member of the European Union. Times have changed. But what do we really know about Albania, aside from a few images inspired from Ismaïl Kadaré’s novels or maybe a few clichés hard to erase – the taste for the vendetta and cigarette smuggling? The exhibition, mounted in Torino to honor the 100th anniversary of the state’s independence in 1912, is a true cultural relations operation. But it also unveils for us unknown facets of this tiny, 29 000 sq. km. country. While ancient ruins of the Neolithic period still remain with anthropomorphic vases, the true wonders are the remains of the Illyrian culture, the Greek-Roman influence and its superb busts, the Byzantine icons and the relations with Italian Trecento paintings. The retrospective ends suddenly without looking into another major element of its culture, the Ottoman Empire (1435-1912). As if in this sensitive period this country that is 68% Muslim needs to hide the contribution of Islam to proceed with its European aspirations. The new department of arts of Islam in the Louvre museum, or the large exhibition on the One Thousand and One Nights at the IMA (Institute of Arab World), show, on the contrary, that culture is an unfailing instrument to fight xenophobic prejudices and nationalistic blinders …
• Tesori del patrimonio culturale albanese at the Palazzo Madama, from 24 January to April 2013.
Edouard Manet, The Railway, 1873, 93,3 x 111,5 cm, oil on canvas, National Gallery of Art, Washington, Gift of Horace Havemeyer.
Heads by Manet
LONDON – Following the beautiful exhibition on Manet last year at the musée d’Orsay, here is a different approach of the painter’s work, focused on his portraits. He produced a large quantity of them, in particular at the end of his life, and the exhibition presents some fifty examples from major English and foreign museums. They are classified according to the distance between the painter and his models. First we have his family, his painter friends such as Eva Gonzales, and writers like Emile Zola, then the models such as Méry Laurent or famous people such as Clemenceau. These paintings show that Manet drew up a true who’s who of this period. But most of all, he went beyond the classic hieratic and static standing portrait and preferred to place his subjects in real life scenes.
• Manet, Portraying Life at the Royal Academy of Arts from 26 January to 14 April 2013
5 other exhibitions that open this week
Hodler's last hours
BASEL - In 1913, Swiss painter Ferdinand Hodler was 60 years old. He was wealthy, well-known and respected. But the five years he was yet to live would be very dark: while Europe was torn apart by the war, he witnessed the illness of his companion, Valentine Daré-Godel, and her death following horrible suffering. The Fondation Beyeler presents the works of this last period – portraits of Valentine, self-portraits and large landscapes. From 27 January to 26 May 2013.
Rear view canvas
LAUSANNE – The motif is so ordinary that it becomes invisible. The Fondation de l’Hermitage found it interesting enough though to focus on the Fenêtres artists since the Renaissance have often represented. Was it done to give a sense to the perspective, to symbolize a border or to open towards abstraction? The exhibition draws up a panorama with 150 works, from Dürer to Richter, including Constable, Monet and Magritte. From 25 January to 20 May 2013.
Schwitters' English period
LONDON –With Kurt Schwitters in Britain, the Tate Modern looks into an unclassifiable artist, a free spirit, fond of collage and of permanent renewal. Once he fled Nazi Germany, Schwitters (1887-1948) lived the last eight years of his life in England. The 150 works presented here, form that period, have rarely been shown before.From 30 January to 12 May 2013.
Art brut 2013
PARIS – Following a successful collaboration with the art brut review Hey!, the Halle Saint-Pierre renews the partnership to show in Hey II the vitality of “outsider” contemporary creation . From 25 January to 23 August 2013
Will the real Mozart please stand up
SALZBURG – Mozart was probably the best known composer in the world and as such a myriad of portraits have been made, both while he was alive as well as after his demise. The Mozarteum brings together in Pictures of Mozart a selection of images of the author of Don Giovanni, from the XVIIIth century to our day and promises to unveil certain surprises … From 26 January to 14 April 2013
Marten van Cleve I (circa 1527, before November 1581) Christ on the road to Calvary, Sotheby’s, 31 January 2013. Estimate: US$200,000-300,000
Renaissance in winter
NEW YORK – Competition can be positive, such as the constant rivalry between Christie’s and Sotheby’s. It pushes them to be right behind one another constantly and this allows us to witness simultaneously top quality auctions. For some years now, for example, both major auctioneers dedicate the end of the month of January, the most bitter moment in the winter, to the ancient masters, those we enjoy looking at as we sit by the fireside in a comfortable living room … Christie’s organizes a true “Old Masters Week” from 26 to 31 January, while Sotheby’s has a tighter schedule with sales between the 29th and the 31st. In both cases major pieces will be up for sale. At Christie’s, an ensemble of engravings by Durer, a portrait of a young man by Bronzino, a Virgin and child by Fra Bartolommeo, while at Sotheby’s a Pompeo Batoni (Suzanne and the old men) or a portrait by Goya of his grandson Mariano. While these works are not affordable to all - the Bronzino is estimated $12 million- , these sales offer a major interest for amateurs who will get to take a look at works that are usually kept in private collections and therefore hardly accessible.
Contemporary artists for Madagascar
PARIS - 72 contemporary artists, among whom are Jef Aerosol, Andrei Molodkin, Ernest Pignon-Ernest and Vladimir Velickovic, have created works of art from traditional wooden doors from Madagascar. They will be sold on 30 January 2013 in a caritative sale for the Zafimaniry people from the high plateaux of Madagascar.
Jesse Fernandez, a universal Cuban
We have proof he was Cuban since we see him in a photograph accompanying Fidel Castro on the field in 1959, his Leica over his shoulder. But photographer Jesse Fernandez, who died relatively young at 61 in 1986 seems to have had various mother lands. He was a refugee in Spain with his parents during Machado’s dictatorship, a student in electronics in Philadelphia, an advertiser in Medellín in Colombia where he met Botero and García Márquez in the 1950s, he hesitated for a long time between the career of a painter –he produced “boxes” similar to those of Joseph Cornell and Charles Matton- and that of photographer. The book sheds light on the latter, showing his portraits, a genre he was excellent in, with snapshots of the Latin American intelligentsia in New York (Borges, Carlos Fuentes, Vargas Llosa, Manuel Puig), European artists (Tápies, Saura, Kitaj, Francis Bacon), “stars” (Françoise Sagan, Elizabeth Taylor) and misanthropes (Cioran). He had the lightness of the one who takes photographs without really believing he is a photographer, but rather a mirror of souls.
• Tours et détours, de La Havane à Paris, by Gabriel Bauret and Juan Manuel Bonet, Filigranes, 2012, 200p., €29
See the exhibition at Maison de l'Amérique latine until 28 February 2013
BOLOGNA - The modern and contemporary art fair, ArteFiera, will be held from 25 to 28 January 2013.
PARIS - The Louvre museum organizes the 6è Journées internationales du film sur l'art (Art Film Festival) from 24 to 27 January 2013.
PARIS - The SimeSitem, the international fair of museums and culture venues, will b eehld at the Carrousel du Louvre from 29 to 31 January 2013.
PIERREFITTE (Ile de France) - The new building of the Archives nationales, designed by architect Massimiliano Fuksas, was inaugurated on 21 January 2013.
SINGAPORE - The contemporary art fair, Art Stage, will be held from 24 to 27 January 2013.