Art Of The Day Weekly

#360 - from 16 October 2014 to 22 October 2014

Griffon, bronze, 11th-12th c., 107x87x43 cm. Museo dell'Opera del Duomo, Pisa..

Morocco, the golden age

PARIS – In a time of Islamic extremism, it is best that we remember that there has also been in parallel a refined Islam - and often more tolerant that Christians at the same periods. The Louvre invites us to plunge into the glorious centuries of Morocco (11-15th centuries), when the Almoravid and Almohad dynasties reigned in Andalucia, when Sevilla and Fes were the most advanced citis in the world. Minbars, manuscripts (of which a rare exempal of the Jewish philosopher Maimonides), ceramics, elements of architecture tell us the story of an period of prosperity and intellectual research, and show us a rarely seen facet of Al-Andalus.
Maroc médiéval at the musée du Louvre from 17 October 2014 to 19 January 2015.

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