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Michel-Ange. Dessins du Louvre

Michelangelo. Drawings from the Louvre
From march 26 to july 14 2003
Graphic art
Middle Ages Art, Renaissance
Some forty original drawings by one of the key figures of the Italian Renaissance are presented together for the first time since 1975.

Musée du Louvre

Palais du Louvre
75001 Paris - France

Téléphone 01 40 20 50 50
Mail info@louvre.fr
Web http:/ / www.louvre.fr
Hours :
Horaire(s) d'ouvertureMonday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday from 9 am to 5:30 pm
Wednesday, Friday from 9 am to 9:30 pm
Armistice Day 1918 (november, 11), New Year`s Day, Labour day (May, 1st), Christmas Day
Admission :
Admission fee : 9.5 €
Concessions : 6 € From 6 pm
Free : under 18; under 26 ans Union Européenne residents (except exhibitions in Hall Napoléon); teachers holding Pass Education (except exhibitions in Hall Napoléon); art teachers; artists; disabled persons; unemployed.
Free for all first Sunday of the month.
Year cards: carte Louvre jeunes, carte Louvre professionnels, carte des Amis du Louvre
Michel-Angelo, Naked man standing, detail, 16th c., photo : Michèle Bellot/RMN © Musée du Louvre
Catalogue : Michel-Ange, élèves et copistes, Edition RMN / Louvre, 450 p.