Home > Art shows > Ça et là - David Saltiel

Ça et là - David Saltiel

Here and there - David Saltiel
From january 20 to february 21 2003
Contemporary art
A work that questions the individual and his condition. Th eexhibit evolves around three installations that start with reality and tend towards what is possible, towards what could exist.

Fondation d'entreprise Ricard pour l'art contemporain

12 rue Boissy d'Anglas
75008 Paris - France

Téléphone 33 (0)1 53 30 88 00
Fax 33 (0) 1 40 06 90 78
Mail info@fondation-entreprise-ricard.com
Web http:/ / fondation-entreprise-ricard.com/
Hours :
Horaire(s) d'ouverturefrom 11 am to 7 pm
Sunday, Bank holidays, Monday
Admission :
Free : for everyone