Home > Art shows > Le travail à l'œuvre : les artistes américains, 1840-1940

Le travail à l'œuvre : les artistes américains, 1840-1940

The Work at work : the american artists, 1840-1940
From june 15 to august 17 2003

Modern art
From the idealistic vision of work in natural surroundings -the young peasant woman in a field or a cowboy riding in the American West -, to the anguish caused by modern society, some seventy works illustrate the multiple aspects of American culture through the iconography of work.

Musée des impressionismes

99, rue Claude Monet
27620 Giverny - France

Téléphone 02 32 51 94 65
Fax 02 32 51 94 67
Mail contact@mdig.fr
Web http:/ / www.museedesimpressionnismesgiverny.com
Hours :
From march 29 to october 31
Horaire(s) d'ouvertureEvery Day from 10 am to 6 pm
Admission :
Concessions : 4.5 €
Admission fee : 7 €
Free : 1st sunday of the month, Under 7
Charles Frederick Ulrich, The print office of the village, 1885, © Terra Foundation for the Arts
catalogue : plates, 60 p., Terra Foundation for the Arts Éditions