Home > Art shows > Véronique Popinet - Jacques Rival

Véronique Popinet - Jacques Rival

From april 10 to 26 2003
Contemporary art
Véronique Popinet photographs people from her neighborhood in their context and tries to show the distance established by the camera between the people, the relationship it defines. Jacques Rival questions the support and the staging of the painting, so that the works may no longer be independent but rather form an ensemble.

Maison des arts plastiques en Rhône-Alpes MAPRA

9, rue Paul Chenavard
64001 Lyon - France

Téléphone 04 78 29 53 13
Fax 04 78 29 46 34
Mail map@mapra-art.org
Web http:/ / www.mapra-art.org
Hours :
Horaire(s) d'ouverturefrom 2:30 pm to 6:30 pm
Sunday, Monday