Home > Art shows > On Kawara

On Kawara

On Kawara, conciousness, Meditation, watchers on the hill
From february 21 to april 12 2003
Contemporary art
Manuscripts, autographs
The exhibit groups together thirty-six Date-Paintings, done between 1966 and 2002, completed by a drawing seldom shown, Sundays of 100 years, as well as 150 telegrams sent to friends since 1970 and always with the same message, «I am still alive».

Le Consortium

37, rue de Longvic
21000 Dijon - France

Téléphone 03 80 68 45 55
Fax 03 80 68 45 57
Mail contact@leconsortium.fr
Web http:/ / www.leconsortium.com
Hours :
Horaire(s) d'ouvertureWednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday from 2 pm to 6 pm
Friday from 2 pm to 8 pm
Admission :
Admission fee : 4 €
Free : Artists, , Unemployed, , Students, Under 12
On Kawara, Exhibition view (date paintings), © On Kawara and Ikon Gallery, Birmingham.
Catalogue : . 2002 , 177 x 231 mm, 336 pages (200 illustrations) ; english edition, Les Presses du Réel / Ikon, 30 €