Home > Art shows > Thierry Mouillé, la Fondatin Mouvante, volume III

Thierry Mouillé, la Fondatin Mouvante, volume III

Thierry Mouillé, the moving foundation, party III
From april 3 to june 8 2003
Contemporary art
Ordinary objects and furniture are staged by Thierry Mouillé in his installations, his videos and his video-installations. Nearly thirty of the artist's recent works are presented through the themes of light, movement and sound.

CAPC - Musée d'art contemporain

Entrepôts Laîné
7, rue Ferrère
33000 Bordeaux - France

Téléphone 05 56 00 81 50
Fax 05 56 44 12 07
Mail capc@mairie-bordeaux.fr
Web http:/ / www.capc-bordeaux.fr/
Hours :
Horaire(s) d'ouverturefrom 11 am to 6 pm
Wednesday from 11 am to 8 pm
Bank holidays
Admission :
Admission fee : 5 €
Concessions : 2.5 €
Thierry Mouillé, Untitled, © Fréd. Delpech