Home > Art shows > Marian Wijnvoord, le double

Marian Wijnvoord, le double

From february 28 to april 12 2003

The exhibit is designed around diptyques formed by almost identical paintings on the theme of an infinite space filled by clouds. The objective is to qestion the spectaor when facing an image without markers, without a horizon, and without points of reference.

Galerie Birthe Laursen - Paris Susan Nielsen

56-58, rue Vieille-du-Temple
75003 Paris - France

Téléphone 01 44 54 04 07
Fax 01 44 54 04 07
Mail mail@birthelaursen.com
Web http:/ / www.birthelaursen.com
Hours :
Horaire(s) d'ouverturefrom 2 pm to 7 pm
Sunday, Monday
Bank holidays
Marian Wijnvoord, Diptyc 2, oil on canvas and oil on wood © Galerie Birthe Laursen et Marian Winjvoord