Home > Art shows > Œuvres du Hiéron et Jean-Michel Alberola : restaurer, montrer, étudier

Œuvres du Hiéron et Jean-Michel Alberola : restaurer, montrer, étudier

Works of Hiéron and Jean-Michel Alberola -Restoring, showing, studying
From may 31 to september 30 2003
Ancient art
Religious art
Prior to the future reopening of the eucharistic museum of Hiéron, which holds a collection of sacred art including Italian, French and Spanish paintings from the XVIIth and XVIIIth centuries, some twenty paintings, sometimes not yet attributed, are exhibited. This is an opportunity to confront Jean-Michel Alberola's work to ancient sacred texts.

Hiéron, musée d'art de la ville de Paray-le-Monial

Hotel de Ville
13, rue de la Paix
71600 Paray-Le-Monial - France

Téléphone 03 85 81 79 72
Fax 03 85 81 47 06
Mail musee.hieron@mairie-paraylemonial.fr
Web http:/ / www.musee-hieron.fr
Hours :
From march 22 to december 30
Horaire(s) d'ouverturefrom 10 am to 12 pm
and from 2 pm to 6 pm
From july 1 to august 31
Horaire(s) d'ouvertureEvery Day from 11 am to 6 pm
Open every day
Closed December 31 - March 21, except groups by appointment
Admission :
Admission fee : 4 €
Concessions : 3 € Students, Families, Adult groups,
Free : , Under 18, Museums staff, Unemployed
Family ticket : 4 €
Jean-Michel Alberola, Untitled, © Musée du Hiéron