Home > Art shows > L' étoile du Che à Paris

L' étoile du Che à Paris

The star of The Che in Paris
From may 22 to june 19 2003
Manuscripts, autographs

One hundred and fifty photographs, of which some forty have not been seen before, manuscripts, excerpts from newspapers and period documents as well as contemporary paintings, bring back the emblematic figure of Ernesto Chevara de la Serna at the moment of the 75th anniversary of his birth in Argentina.

Musée du Montparnasse

Chemin du Montparnasse
21, avenue du Maine
75015 Paris - France

Téléphone 01 42 22 91 96
Fax 01 42 22 91 00
Mail museedumontparnasse@wanadoo.fr
Web http:/ / www.museedumontparnasse.net
Hours :
Horaire(s) d'ouverturefrom 12:30 pm to 7 pm
Admission :
Admission fee : 5 €
Concessions : 4 €