Les Etrusques en mer. Epaves d'Antibes à Marseille
Etruscan at sea. Wreck from Antibes to Marseille
From june 21 to october 31 2003 |
The discovery of ships and their shipments prove the commercial exchanges between the mediterranean populations, the main objects of the transactions being wine and ceramics. |
Bastion St André
06600 Antibes - France
04 93 34 00 39 04 93 34 45 59 musee.archeologie@antibes-juanlespins.com http:/ / www.antibes-juanlespins.com
Hours : |
| from 10 am to 12 pm and from 2 pm to 6 pm
| Monday |
New Year`s Day, Labour day (May, 1st), All Saints`Day (November, 1st), Christmas Day | |
Admission : |
Admission fee : 3 € |
Concessions : 1.5 € Students, Under 27, Families, Adult groups |
Free : Under 18, School groups, Guides & accompanaying adults |
| Heap of etruscan amphoras of Py 4 type, wreck of the Grand Ribaud F, DRASSM collection © Luc Long / DRASSM |
Catalogue of the exhibition, 140 pages, Edisud publishing |