Home > Art shows > Gustave Moreau - Mythes et chimères

Gustave Moreau - Mythes et chimères

Gustave Moreau - Myths and illusions, secret watercolors and drawings from the Gustave Moreau museum
From july 22 to november 9 2003
The exhibit invites us to enter Gustave Moreau's oniric universe through his unpublished drawings and watercolors, hidden treasures of the Gustave Moreau museum. Some one hundred works selected among the nearly 13 000 drawings the museum posesses.

Musée de la vie romantique

Hôtel Scheffer-Renan
16, rue Chaptal
75009 Paris - France

Téléphone 01 55 31 95 67
Fax 01 48 74 28 42
Mail musee.vieromantique@free.fr
Web http:/ / www.paris.fr/ musees/
Hours :
Horaire(s) d'ouverturefrom 10 am to 5:40 pm
Monday, Bank holidays
From may 1 to september 30
Horaire(s) d'ouverturefrom 10 am to 6 pm
Monday, Bank holidays
Admission :
Admission fee : 7 €
: Permanent galleries: free admission - Temporary exhibitions: admission charge
Concessions : 5 €
Gustave Moreau, Study for dancing's Salome, watercolor© Rmn/RG Ojeda
Catalogu of the exhibition, published by Paris-Musées-RMN