Dingos de vélo
The *Sons of Queen Bicycle, cyclists and tourists
From july 4 2003 to january 11 2004 |
In reference to the centennial of the Tour de France and to the one hundred and fifty years of the bicycle, objects, cycles, posters...bring to life cyclotourism and cycling all along the XXth century. |
2, place Louis Comte
42000 Saint-Etienne - France
04 77 49 73 00 04 77 32 76 82 mai.musee@saint-etienne.fr http:/ / www.musee-art-industrie.saint-etienne.fr
Hours : |
| from 10 am to 6 pm
| Tuesday |
Bastille Day (July, 14), Assumption Day (August,15), New Year`s Day, Labour day (May, 1st), All Saints`Day (November, 1st), Christmas Day | |
Admission : |
Free : 1st Sunday of the month |
| Poster
© Musée d'art et d'industrie , Saint-Étienne |