Home > Art shows > Pile ou face, monnaies antiques dans les collections publiques d'Orléans

Pile ou face, monnaies antiques dans les collections publiques d'Orléans

Heads or tails, antique coins in Orléans public collections
From june 17 to september 28 2003
Coins & medals
Two complimentary numismastic collections, welsh coins as well as greek, roman and byzantine coins and some copies of young forgers. The visitor may also admire an ensemble of Greek ceramics and Chypriot jewels.

Musée des beaux-arts d' Orléans

Place Sainte-Croix
1, rue Fernand Rabier
45000 Orléans - France

Téléphone 02 38 79 21 55
Fax 02 38 79 20 08
Mail musee-ba@ville-orleans.fr
Web http:/ / www.orleans.fr
Hours :
Horaire(s) d'ouverturefrom 10 am to 6 pm
Armistice Day 1918 (november, 11), Bastille Day (July, 14), New Year`s Day, Labour day (May, 1st), , Christmas Day, Victory Day 1945 (May, 8)
Be careful, these opening hours are available from January 2, 2008
Admission :
Admission fee : 3 €
Concessions : 1.5 € Pass, Students over 25, Families, , over 65
Free : Unemployed, Under 16, visitors with disabilities, accompanied, 1st Sunday of the month
Guide des collections, édition française et anglaise avec le soutien financier des Amis de musées d'Orléans, 228 p.: format 16,5 x 20 cm, 120 ill. couleurs. Prix 20€ . Un, Deux…Quatre Editions, 2009.
Ear-ring at bull head, printed gold, from excavatons of Cesnola, 1870, Cyprius, IIith c. b. J.C - end of the first c. a. J.C. Inv. A 7060, photo : François Lauginie
Catalogue, 96 pages, 19,50 euros