Home > Art shows > Panamarenko : multiples 1966-2003

Panamarenko : multiples 1966-2003

From june 21 to august 31 2003
Contemporary art
An exhibit dedicated to all of Panamarenko's work. Some one hundred pieces of art, lithographs and prints on the problems our society goes through trace the artist's creative itinerary.


Leuvenstraat 32
2000 Anvers - Belgique

Téléphone +32 (0)3 238 59 60
Fax +32 (0)3 216 24 86
Mail muhka@skynet.be
Web http:/ / www.muhka.be
Hours :
Horaire(s) d'ouverturefrom 10 am to 5 pm
New Year`s Day, Ascension Day ( in May), Christmas Day, Labour day (May, 1st)
Admission :
Admission fee : 5 €
Concessions : 3 € Artists, Unemployed, Teachers, Students, Adult groups, Visitors with disabilities, Under 18, over 60
Free : Cards, subscriptions, Workers`, Under 13, Museum friends