Home > Art shows > Terre, ciel, mer : sites et rivages

Terre, ciel, mer : sites et rivages

Earth, sky, sea: settings and shores
From july 3 to august 31 2003
19th c. art (1848-1914)
The exhibit, which brings together paintings from the museum of beaux-arts from Caen and from private collections, and dedicated to seascapes, shows us pictural production often unknown, and yet vibrant with emotions in face of sites of incredible force. A nature finally revealed.

Espace culturel les Dominicaines

Place du Tribunal
14130 Pont-l'Évêque - France

Téléphone 02 31 64 89 33
Fax 02 31 64 94 74
Mail centre-culturel-les-dominicaines@wanadoo.fr
Web http:/ / espacelesdominicaines.over-blog.com
Hours :
From april 1 to june 30
Horaire(s) d'ouvertureWednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday from 10:30 am to 12:30 pm
and from 2:30 pm to 6 pm
From july 1 to august 31
Horaire(s) d'ouverturefrom 10:30 am to 12:30 pm
and from 2:30 pm to 6 pm
From september 1 to 30
Horaire(s) d'ouvertureWednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday from 10:30 am to 12:30 pm
and from 2:30 pm to 6 pm
From october 1 to march 31
Horaire(s) d'ouvertureWednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday from 2:30 pm to 6 pm
September ; Tuesday to Sunday, 10.30am to 12.30 and 2,30pm to 6pm
Admission :
Admission fee : 3 € adults
Concessions : 1 € Students, Under 18
Free : , Under 15
E. Hartel, Marin landscape, oil on wood 1883 © Espace culturel les Dominicains