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Les chemins de l'art brut (2)

The *ways of the "art brut"(2)
From september 11 to november 17 2003
Contemporary art
A new perspective of Art Brut through the work of 3 artists and 2 themed presentations. A.C.M. takes us into labyrinthe sculptures, Aloïse Corbaz unveils her theatrical universe, and Théo traces the history of his life. Three routes, three sensitivities, confronted with Séraphie Louis' paintings and works of André Breton's collection.

LaM - Lille Métropole Musée d'art moderne, d'art contemporain et d'art brut Réouverture le 25.09.10

1, allée du Musée
59650 Villeneuve d'Ascq - France

Téléphone +33 (0)3 20 19 68 68
Fax +33 (0)3 20 19 68 99
Web http:/ / www.musee-lam.fr
Hours :
Horaire(s) d'ouverturefrom 10 am to 6 pm
New Year`s Day, Labour day (May, 1st), Christmas Day
Admission :
Free : 1st sunday of the month
Permanent collection + exhibition : 7 euros / 10 euros
Fre from 4 pm to 6 pm Tuesqay to Friday, 25.09.10 to 31.12.10.
Aloïse Corbaz, Partitioned of theatre (detail), 1950, 1400 x 100 cm, Jean-David Mermod and Philippe Eternod collection, Lausanne, deposition at Musée d’art moderne Lille Métropole, Villeneuve d’Ascq © t.d.r.