Home > Art shows > Jeanne Susplugas : Addicted

Jeanne Susplugas : Addicted

From september 17 to october 25 2003
Contemporary art
Born in a family of pharmacists, greatly intoxicated from her childhood, Jeanne Suspuglas naturally introduced medicine in her work. Since 1998, she denounces through her work our society that is conditioned by pills which are both dangerous and attractive.

Galerie Houg

46, rue Auguste Comte
69002 Lyon - France

Téléphone 04 78 42 98 50
Fax 04 78 37 97 03
Mail romain@galeriehoug.com
Web http:/ / www.galeriehoug.com
Hours :
Horaire(s) d'ouverturefrom 2:30 pm to 7 pm
And by appointment 
Monday, Sunday
New Year`s Day, Christmas Day, August
Jeanne Suspuglas, Ethan, c-print, 50 x 70 cm © Olivier Houg Gallery, Lyon
Catalogue, text of Léonor Nurisdany