Home > Art shows > Charlotte Marchal et ses invités : Pierre Radisic - André Soupart

Charlotte Marchal et ses invités : Pierre Radisic - André Soupart

Charlotte *Marchal, Pierre Rasidic, André Soupart
From july 18 to september 13 2003

We discover the monumental sculptures by Charlotte Marchal in her favorite material, cement, accompanied by photogprahs by Radisic and Soupart whose works are inspired by the human body and water.

Galerie Lucien Schweitzer

24 avenue Monterey
2163 Luxembourg - Luxembourg

Téléphone +352 46 90 56
Fax +352 46 90 54
Mail galerie@lucien-schweitzer.com
Web http:/ / www.lucien-schweitzer.lu
Hours :
Horaire(s) d'ouverturefrom 10 am to 6 pm
Sunday, Monday
Christmas Day, New Year`s Day
Charlotte Marchal, Water stele/i>, Bruxelles © Pierre Rasidic