Home > Art shows > La vita delle forme, fotografie, disegnie grafiche da Picasso a Warhol

La vita delle forme, fotografie, disegnie grafiche da Picasso a Warhol

The life of forms, photographs, drawngs from Picasso to Warhol
From september 20 to november 9 2003
Contemporary art
Modern art
Some 300 works -drawings, prints, photogrpahs -offer a themed itinerary on the interpretation of form all along the XXth century, carried out by major artists such as Picasso, Fontana, De Dominicis, Schifano, Jodice, Ernst, Lichtenstein, Appel, Tapies, Burri, Vedova, Sol Lewitt.

Palazzo Santa Margherita

Corso Canalgrande 103
41100 Modène - Italie

Téléphone 059-206883
Web http:/ / comune.modena.it/ galleria
Hours :
Horaire(s) d'ouverturefrom 10 am to 1 pm
and from 4 pm to 7 pm
Admission :
Free :