Home > Art shows > William Klein

William Klein

From september 12 to november 6 2003
The Fifty One gallery has grouped together some photographs which have become true objects of cult for William Klein's first exhibit in Belgium. Heading for a painter's career, William Klein started takenphotos to dneounce the absurdities of th esystem, and then very quickly became an expert of this support, and knew how to exploit all the possibilities.

Galerie Fifty One Fine Art Photography

Zirkstraat 20
2000 Anvers - Belgique

Téléphone +32 (0)3 289 84 58
Fax +32 (0)3 289 84 59
Mail 51@pandora.be
Web http:/ / www.gallery51.com/
Hours :
Horaire(s) d'ouverturefrom 1 pm to 6:30 pm
Sunday, Monday, School holidays
William Klein, Red Light © Fifty One Fine Art Photography Gallery, Anvers