Home > Art shows > Toyen, collages des années 60

Toyen, collages des années 60

Toyen, collages of the 60's
From october 2 to november 29 2003
Graphic art
The leader of Czech surrealism, Toyen, his real name Marie Cerminovà, is an important figure in XXth century art. For the first time in France, a pretty selection of his two-faced collages made of a great number of motives according to the themes -mouths, eyes, hands, birds, landscapes ...- is unveiled.

Galerie Le Minotaure

2 rue des beaux-arts
75006 Paris - France

Téléphone 01 43 25 35 37
Fax 01 46 54 62 93
Mail sapiro.benoit@wanadoo.fr
Hours :
Horaire(s) d'ouverturefrom 2 pm to 7 pm
Toyen, Collage C, 1960 © Galerie Le Minotaure