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État des lieux avant restitution

Inventory of fixtures before return
From september 13 to october 26 2003
Contemporary art
Laurent Faucon, Sébastien Perroud and Delphine Reist offer a last occupation of the Subsistances, a plac eof creation they know well, given the many residneces they have had there. This exhibit is threfore an "inventory of fixtures" of their latest productions prior to their departure, a moving hommage to a whole artistic experience.

Les Subsistances

8 bis quai Saint-Vincent
69001 Lyon - France

Téléphone 04 78 39 10 02
Fax 04 78 30 46 35
Mail subsistances@mairie-lyon.fr
Web http:/ / www.les-subsistances.com
Hours :
Horaire(s) d'ouverturefrom 9 am to 7 pm
Sunday, Saturday
Sébastien Perroud, Occupation 2, 2003, installation © Les Subsistances, Lyon