Home > Art shows > Antoine d' Agata, 1001 nuits

Antoine d' Agata, 1001 nuits

Antoine d'Agata, 1001 nights
From september 12 to october 18 2003
Contemporary art
Antoine d'Agata's work questions. In fac eof this avalanche of images, the spectator must select the one sthat most affect him. Th eartist gives us hi simpressions of a chaotic world. Through emotions, doubts and excesses, he unveils in his photographs the universe of his nights.

Vu' La Galerie

48 rue Saint-Lazare
75009 Paris - France

Téléphone 01 53 01 85 85
Fax 01 53 01 85 80
Mail galerievu@abvent.fr
Web http:/ / www.galerievu.com
Hours :
Horaire(s) d'ouverturefrom 2 pm to 7 pm
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday
Bank holidays
Antoine d'Agata Untitled
© d'Agata / Galerie VU
Antoine d'Agata, Insomnia, 192 pages, 180 photographies, texts by Christian Caujolle, bilingual (french, english), Image En Manœuvres Editions, 38.00€. And : Antoine d'Agata, Vortex, 80 pages, photographies colour and B&w, Hors Collection / Galaxie Photo - Editions Atlantice Séguier.