Home > Art shows > A.D.Trantenroth : Bestiftungen unter zuckerpulversahnetee

A.D.Trantenroth : Bestiftungen unter zuckerpulversahnetee

From november 16 2003 to january 11 2004
A presentation of drawings by the artist, questioning both the word and the iamge, the body's geometry, the abstract forms that people discreetly our daily life, and the oneiric representations of our human imagination: the border between dreams and reality, ideas and illusions seems increasingly vague.

Von der Heydt-Museum

Turmhof 8
42103 Wuppertal - Allemagne

Téléphone 202-563 6231
Fax 202-563 8091
Mail von-der-heydt-museum@stadt.wuppertal.de
Web http:/ / www.von-der-heydt-museum.de
Hours :
Horaire(s) d'ouverturefrom 11 am to 6 pm
Thursday from 11 am to 8 pm
Admission :
Admission fee : 1 €
Free : Under 6, School children, Art school students, Museum friends
Special concessions : 5 € Museum & exhibitions
A.D.Trantenroth Untitled/i>, drawing © Von der Heydt-Museum
Catalogue of Trantenroth's drawings, 29 €