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Au temps des mammouths

In the time of *Mammouths
From march 17 2004 to january 10 2005
Natural science
By reconstructing the habitat and way of living of the wool mammoth, the exhibit plunges us 30 000 years back to the discovery of landscapes, ways of life and bygone artistic expressions. The relations between the animal and man are also looked into: from beign a source of life he becomes an art support, as we can see in the numerous Venuses and jewels found.

Museum national d'histoire naturelle

57, rue Cuvier
75005 Paris - France

Téléphone 01 40 79 30 00
Fax 01 40 79 34 84
Web http:/ / www.mnhn.fr
Hours :
Horaire(s) d'ouverturefrom 10 am to 6 pm
Admission :
Admission fee : 9 €
Concessions : 7 €
Vénus de Lespugue, statuette féminine (14,7 cm) en ivoire de mammouth, (Haute-Garonne) Photo D. Ponsard, MNHN.
Catalogue, Éditions du Museum national d'Histoire naturelle/Philéas Fogg, 196 pages, 200 illustrations, 35 €. Album of the exhibition, 64 pages, 8 €.