Home > Art shows > Cédric Porchez: Fleurs

Cédric Porchez: Fleurs

Cédric *Porchez: Flowers
From january 22 to 31 2004
Contemporary art
Cédric Porchez, the photographer for numerous famous brands and well-known communication agencies, loves to photograph flowers in black and white.He believes it is the best way to give a texture and depth to the subject.

Eric Coatalem

93, rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré
75008 Paris - France

Téléphone 01 42 66 17 17
Fax 01 42 66 03 50
Mail coatalem@freesurf.fr
Cédric Porchez Anemone 50 x 60 cm ©. Cédric Porchez