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Densité +/- 0

Density +/- 0
From february 3 to april 11 2004
Contemporary art
These contemporary works offer a formal simplicity which paradoxically increases their conceptual and emotional meaning. They thus correspond to the process begun in the 1960s accoring to which the art objects were dematerialized.

ENSBA de Paris

13, Quai Malaquais
75272 Paris - France

Téléphone 01 47 03 50 00
Fax 01 47 03 50 80
Web http:/ / www.ensba.fr
Hours :
Horaire(s) d'ouverturefrom 1 pm to 7 pm
Annika Ström untitled 16 minutes, 2003 Vidéo Courtesy c/o – Atle Gerhardsen, Berlin