Home > Art shows > Venezia e i lazzaretti mediterranei

Venezia e i lazzaretti mediterranei

Venice and the mediterranean lazarets
From march 31 to june 13 2004
Architecture, town planning
Organized as part of the project called "Mediterranean routes and health ramparts", the exhibit looks back at the invention of lazarets. The were port structures that served to isolate against epidemics, and are presented here according to an historic, social, sanitary and economic approach, and evoked through different documents: rates, plans, images of boats and of ports...

Biblioteca Nazionale-Sale Monumentali Marciana

Piazza San Marco
30124 Venise - Italie

Téléphone 041 2407223
Fax 041 5238803
Mail info@marciana.venezia.sbn.it
Web http:/ / www.marciana.venezia.sbn.it
Hours :
From april 1 to july 5
Horaire(s) d'ouverturefrom 9 am to 7 pm
From july 5 to august 27
Horaire(s) d'ouverturefrom 8:10 am to 7 pm
Saturday from 8:10 am to 1:30 pm
From august 27 to march 31
Horaire(s) d'ouverturefrom 9 am to 5 pm
New Year`s Day, Christmas Day, Christmas holidays
Admission :
Admission fee : 9.3 €
Concessions : 5.16 € Students, Guides & accompanaying adults, School groups, over 65, Museums staff
Free : Under 6, Visitors with disabilities, Disabled visitor accompanaying persons, Military, for local
Special concessions : 3.1 € Under 15, School groups
Isle of Lazzaretto Vecchio; Isle of S. Lazaro de' Padri Armeni, in Siti pittoreschi e prospettivi delle lagune, disegnati, intagliati e descritti, Venezia, Co' tipi del Gondoliere, 1838, tav. 6; SEGNATURA MARCIANA: 12.d.64.