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Et vogue la pirogue

And sail the canoe
From july 7 2004 to march 6 2005
100 years after the discovery of Chalain's canoe, th eexhibit is an opportunity to (re)discover a major piece from the museum's collections and other objects: tools, ceramics, materials, bronze plates... It also unveils the evolution of lake archeologic research, of the "myth of lake cities" so in fashion as of the end of the XIXth century..

Musée d'archéologie du Jura

Centre de Conservation et d'Etude René Rémond
133 rue René Maire
39000 Lons-le-Saunier - France

Téléphone 03 84 86 11 73
Fax 03 84 24 34 31
Mail musee.archeologie@ville-lons-le-saunier.fr
The museum is temporaly closed. Thank you for your understanding
the 2nd june 1904 : discovery of the Chalain canoe. Archives du musée d’Archéologie du Jura – Lons-le-Saunier © musée d’Archéologie du Jura – Lons-le-Saunier
catalogue 10€