Home > Art shows > Semper Polonia, l'art en Pologne des Lumières au Romantisme (1764-1850)

Semper Polonia, l'art en Pologne des Lumières au Romantisme (1764-1850)

Semper Polonia, the art in Poland from the Lights to Romanticism ( 1764-1850 )
From november 26 2004 to february 28 2005
Ancient art
The exhibit begisn with the century of the enlightment, goes through the painful period of exile including the painful first months of Romanticism exacerbated by the National feeling and the fascination with the Napoleonic era. It thus offers an unusual panorama of nearly 100 years of Polish art through 126 paintigns, sculptures, drawings, prints and objets d'art.

Musée des beaux-arts de Dijon

Palais des Etats de Bourgogne
21000 Dijon - France

Téléphone 03 80 74 52 70
Fax 03 80 74 53 44
Mail museedesbeauxarts@ville-dijon.fr
Web http:/ / www.ville-dijon.fr
Hours :
From may 1 to october 30
Horaire(s) d'ouverturefrom 9:30 am to 6 pm
From november 1 to april 30
Horaire(s) d'ouverturefrom 10 am to 5 pm
Armistice Day 1918 (november, 11), Bastille Day (July, 14), New Year`s Day, Labour day (May, 1st), , Christmas Day, Victory Day 1945 (May, 8)
Admission :
: Permanent galleries: free admission - Temporary exhibitions: admission charge