Home > Art shows > Rêves d'Amazonie

Rêves d'Amazonie

Dream about Amazonia
From april 29 to november 13 2005
The abbey of Daoulas celebrates in its own manner the year of Brazil in France. The exhibition sheds light- on the one hand- on the forest partrimony of the Amazon region, and on the other hand on the way in which the Indians live in this specific area, what they dream of. This exhibition, half way between reality and imaginary, is seen as a true exploration journey.

Abbaye de Daoulas

21, rue de l'Église
29460 Daoulas - France

Téléphone 02 98 25 84 39
Fax 02 98 25 89 25
Mail abbaye@abbaye-daoulas.com
Web http:/ / www.abbaye-daoulas.com
Hours :
From july 1 to august 31
Horaire(s) d'ouverturefrom 11 am to 7 pm
From september 1 to june 30
Horaire(s) d'ouverturefrom 10 am to 6 pm
Admission :
Admission fee : 5.34 €
Concessions : 3.81 € Students, Unemployed, Pass
Free : Under 10
Special concessions : 3.05 € Under 18, Adult groups
: 2.29 € School groups
Mask Cara Grande, Tapirapé, wood, buriti palm tree fiber, feather of parrot (Ara macao), mother-of-pearl, bone, beeswax, 20th century, Museum of Lyon, © Patrick Ageneau/Museum Lyon