Home > Art shows > John Bock

John Bock

From july 4 to october 8 2005
Contemporary art
John Bock uses accessories from fairs for his performances. The puppets he uses, the combination of ballet-music-hall and his spaces are in line with the Cabaret Voltaire or the Merzbau of Schwitters...For this exhibit John Bock created a specific project around the work done in 2004 for the Frac, Thee Diagram Man Metts Loveelasticity, HQ, London, 2001, an installation combining video, sculpture and performance.


1, place Francis Chirat
13002 Marseille - France

Téléphone 04 91 91 27 55
Fax 04 91 90 28 50
Mail info@fracpaca.org
Web http:/ / www.fracpaca.org
Hours :
Horaire(s) d'ouverturefrom 10 am to 12:30 pm
and from 2 pm to 6 pm
Bank holidays
Admission :
Free : for everyone
John Bock, Thee Diagram Man Meets Loveelasticity, HQ, London, 2001, Collection Frac Paca, photo : Andy Keate, view of the exhibit and performance by John Bock at Sadie Coles Gallery, HQ, London, september-october 2001