Home > Art shows > Manolo Valdes, Il perenne retaggio dell'arte

Manolo Valdes, Il perenne retaggio dell'arte

Manolo Valdes, The eternal heritage of art
From april 3 to may 22 2005
Contemporary art
The exhibit traces the itinerary of Manolo Valdes from 1982 to our day, through forty-five paintings in large dimensions and twenty sculptures. At the same time, in a section set aside for graphic arts of the Principi di Correggio Palace, some twenty drawings and sixty prints are exhibited.

Palazzo Magnani e Chiostri di San Domenico

Corso Garibaldi, 29
42100 Reggio Emilia - Italie

Téléphone +39 0522 454437
Fax +39 0522 444415
Mail info@palazzomagnani.it
Web http:/ / www.palazzomagnani.it
Hours :
Horaire(s) d'ouverturefrom 9 am to 1 pm
and from 2:30 pm to 6:30 pm
Saturday, Sunday, Bank holidays from 10 am to 7 pm
Labour day (May, 1st), Anzac Day, Easter Monday, Easter
Admission :
Admission fee : 7 €
Concessions : 5 €
Special concessions : 3 € School children
Manolo Valdes, Zurbaran, 1988, oil on canvas, 240 x 170 cm