Home > Art shows > Springtide


From april 30 to august 1 2005
Contemporary art
The exhibit brings together the recent works of five artists:Louise Bourgeois, Troy Brauntuch, Berlinde De Bruyckere, Patty Chang, Erick Swenson. Without bringing them together under one same theme, the works are strong on their own as strong visual connections.

Institute of Contemporary Art (ICA)

University of Pennsylvania
118 South 36th St.
19104-3289 Philadelphie - États-Unis

Téléphone +1 215 898 7108
Fax +1 215 898 5050
Mail icaup@pobox.upenn.edu
Web http:/ / www.icaphila.org
Hours :
Horaire(s) d'ouverturefrom 12 pm to 8 pm
Saturday, Sunday from 11 am to 5 pm
Monday, Tuesday
Admission :
Admission fee :  3 $
Concessions :  2 $ Artists
Free : Under 12, specific days, Museum friends, Pass
Louise Bourgeois, Ode to Forgetfulness, 2004, hand-sewn and constructed cloth with lithography and digital painting, 10 x13 inches, courtesy Peter Blum gallery