Home > Art shows > Da Courbet a Fattori, I principi del vero

Da Courbet a Fattori, I principi del vero

From Courbet to Fattori, Principes of the true
From july 17 to september 4 2005
The exhibit offers an unusual itinerary inside the painting of a "stain" in order to study with special attention the complex aspect.Yet always in an original and rigourous rapport with the "principles of truth" and careful attention to contemporary European research.

Castello Pasquini

Piazza della Vittoria
13046 Livourne - Italie

Téléphone 39 0586 724287-297
Fax 39 0586 724286
Mail f.luschi@comune.rosignano.livorno.it
Web http:/ / www.comune.rosignano.livorno.it
Hours :
Horaire(s) d'ouverturefrom 10 am to 5 pm
Admission :
Admission fee : 6 €
Concessions : 4 € Adult groups, Under 18, over 65
Concessions : 2.5 € Student groups
Giuseppe Abbati, Animali (Carro e bovi nella Maremma toscana), 1867, oil on canvas, 56 x 135 cm, private collection