Home > Art shows > Emil Nolde und die Südsee

Emil Nolde und die Südsee

Emil Nolde and the South sea
From december 13 2001 to march 3 2002
Modern art
From his voyages to the South Pacific, Emil Nolde took paintings inspired by the Primitivist Movement.

BA-CA Kunstforum

Freyung 8
1010 Vienne - Autriche

Téléphone +43 1 537 33 10 - 17
Mail office@kunstforum-wien.at
Web http:/ / www.kunstforum-wien.at
Hours :
Horaire(s) d'ouverturefrom 10 am to 7 pm
Wednesday from 10 am to 9 pm
Admission :
Admission fee : 8.72 €
Concessions : 7.27 € Students, Adult groups, over 65, School children
Concessions : 14.53 € Families
Free : Under 6
Emil Nolde, Tanzende Mädchen, 1915, Oil on canvas, 107x87cm © Private collection
Catalogue: Emil Nolde und die Südsee, 368 pages, Hirmer Verlag, 399 ATS