Home > Art shows > The Little Red Lighthouse and the Great Gray Bridge

The Little Red Lighthouse and the Great Gray Bridge

From december 1 2001 to april 28 2002
Graphic art
The Little Red Lighthouse published in 1942 is a childhood favorite of many New Yorkers. The hand-colored original illustrations by Lynd Ward (1905-1985) on display, are a recent gift to the Museum.

Museum of the City of New York

1220 Fifth Avenue
10029 New York - États-Unis

Téléphone 212/534-1672
Fax 212/423-0758
Mail mcny@mcny.org
Web http:/ / www.mcny.org
Hours :
Horaire(s) d'ouverturefrom 10 am to 5 pm
Sunday from 12 pm to 5 pm
Tuesday, By appointment from 10 am to 2 pm
Bank holidays
Admission :
Concessions :  7 $ Suggested contribution
Concessions :  4 $ Suggested contribution, Students, over 65
Special concessions :  12 $ Suggested contribution, Families