Home > Art shows > Static. Hiroshi Sugimoto's photographic series

Static. Hiroshi Sugimoto's photographic series

From december 13 2001 to march 17 2002
Contemporary art
Approximately 70 photographs are selected from the artist's most important series of works on the following themes : movie, theaters, seascapes, dioramas, wax figures, Buddhas and architectural photographs.

Museo Tamayo

Paseo de la reforma y Gandhi, S/N
Bosque de Chapultepec
11580 Mexico - Mexique

Téléphone (52) 52 86 65 19
Fax (52) 52 86 65 39
Mail mrtamayo_00@yahoo.com
Web http:/ / www.museotamayo.org
Hours :
Horaire(s) d'ouverturefrom 10 am to 5 pm
Sunday from 11 am to 1 pm
Admission :
Admission fee :  10 MXP