Home > Art shows > Symboles sacrés : 4 000 ans d'arts premiers des Amériques

Symboles sacrés : 4 000 ans d'arts premiers des Amériques

Sacred symbols : 4 000 years of primitive art in America
From october 22 2002 to january 20 2003
Ethnology and society
The second phase of this exhibit dedicated to the ancient American civilization, through a selection of pieces dating back to 2000 years B.C. up to the arrival of the first Europeans in the XVIth century. An opportunity to admire the beauty and variety of these artistic productions.

Musée des beaux-arts de Rouen

Esplanade Marcel Duchamp
76000 Rouen - France

Téléphone 02 35 71 28 40
Fax 02 35 15 43 23
Mail museesderouen@wanadoo.fr
Web http:/ / www.musees-rouen.org
Hours :
Horaire(s) d'ouverturefrom 10 am to 6 pm
Specific bank holidays
Admission :
Admission fee : 3 €
Concessions : 2 € Families, Adult groups
Free : Unemployed, Art school students, Visitors with disabilities, Under 18
Celt, polished stone hatchet in form of masked personnage , ca 900-500 bc JC, 27,94 x 7,93 x 3,81 cm Mexico, Olmèque, Dallas Museum of Art © RMN
catalogue : 224 p., 35€, RMN-Seuil