Home > Art shows > ARTificial Intelligence

ARTificial Intelligence

From april 9 to june 7 2002
Graphic art
Ethnology and society
Toys, dolls, automata
Science & technology
This exhibition brigs together a selection of book cover art, tin toys, video and other work, on the theme of robot.

Tacoma Art Museum

1123 Pacific Avenue
98402 Tacoma - États-Unis

Téléphone 253 272 4258
Mail info@tacomaartmuseum.org
Web http:/ / www.TacomaArtMuseum.org
Hours :
Horaire(s) d'ouverturefrom 10 am to 5 pm
Thursday from 10 am to 8 pm
Sunday from 12 pm to 5 pm
Admission :
Admission fee :  7.50 $
Concessions :  6.50 $ Students, Military, over 65
Free : Museum friends, Museums staff, Under 6, specific days
Family pass :  25 $
Robot, c. 1962, Linemar-Yonezawa, Japan, Courtesy of Ray Rohr