Home > Art shows > Hong Kong Memories: Selected Historical Pictures of the 19th Century

Hong Kong Memories: Selected Historical Pictures of the 19th Century

From april 15 to december 31 2002
Asian art
A selection of 50 paintings, watercolours and prints illustrate the picturesques scenes in Hong Kong through the 19th century.

Hong Kong Museum of Art

10 Salisbury Road,Tsimshatsui
Kowloon, Hong Kong
 Hong Kong - Hong Kong

Téléphone 2721 0116
Fax 2723 7666
Mail enquiries@lcsd.gov.hk
Web http:/ / www.lcsd.gov.hk/ CE/ Museum/ Arts/
Hours :
Horaire(s) d'ouverturefrom 10 am to 6 pm
December 24th, Specific bank holidays
Admission :
Admission fee :  10 HKS
Concessions :  5 HKS Students, over 60, Visitors with disabilities
Free : School groups, Wednesday
Special concessions :  7 HKS Adult groups
Artist unknown, A Chinese lady, early 19th century ; Oil on canvas ; © Hong Kong Museum of Art