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Le marché des enchères publiques en France

Ouvrage collectif

Droit de suite (resale remuneration), VAT on imports, sales by order of the Court or voluntary sales: one can easily get lost if one is not in the profession( and even when one is in the profession). In order to understand what goes on in the world of auctions and sales (and not only art ones), for which the laws have been deeply shaken since the law of 10 July 2000, here is an unexpected vademecum. It is the report from the Economic and Social Council, presented by Pierre Simon. Nourished by various interviews, it associates a good analysis of the permanent weakness of the French market in comparison to the Anglo-Saxon competitors, some one hundred pages of legal texts and advice that the mandatory transposition before 31 December 2009 of the directive on Services in French legislation may be the opportunity to give a certain dynamic to the world of auctions by making it more transparent and more uniform, and by simplifying the taxes. Time is of essence…

• Le marché des enchères publiques en France, Edition des Journaux officiels, 2008, 19,50 €.

Le marché des enchères publiques en France - Ouvrage collectif

Review published in the newsletter #93 - from 5 June 2008 to 11 June 2008

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