Jean-Claude Golvin, un architecte au cœur de l’histoire
Archaeology is often a very dry discipline of which Pompei is simply an exception: to give a testimony of our ancestors we usually do not have more than some pieces of pottery, holes in a post, blackened coins or traces in a wheat field… It is quite a challenge to make that past understandable. Jean-Claude Golvin, an architect by his training, has dedicated himself to that task for various decades now, giving us through attractive drawings the appearance of the temples of Karnak, of the amphitheatre of El Jem, of Arles in the 1st century or the Forum of Carthage… This catalogue, that accompanies an exhibition at the Musée de l’Arles antique, shows the work carried out upstream with the archaeologists. In spite of the mistrust of certain specialists, this approach has nevertheless a salutary effect: we see some concrete aspects of this (the aqueduc of Lutezia, the potters workshops in Sallèles-d’Aude) where the drawer’s contribution has allowed the renderings by the archaeologist on the field to be corrected and enriched.
Review published in the newsletter #235 - from 17 November 2011 to 23 November 2011