Réussir sa vie d’artiste, mode d’emploi
Brigitte Camus
When they launch themselves on the art market, beginners often suffer from excessive enthusiasm and a great lack of practical information. This book cools down the former and abundantly supplies the latter. In the form of short interviews with different actors (artists, gallery owners, agents, collectors, fair organizers, etc.) the author deals with major questions such as how to knit links efficiently with galleries? How to sell in auctions? How to take part in fairs? How to answer a public order? How to declare one’s revenue? VAT, insurance, the artistic 1% or copy rights are all looked into and explained through concrete cases or personal experiences. France has approximately 60 000 artists of which only 8000 expose regularly. How to take the leap? This vademecum offers a series of keys and can be usefully completed by reading two other books from the same collection, signed by Sophie Blachet: Où exposer en France et Où exposer en Europe.
Review published in the newsletter #280 - from 22 November 2012 to 28 November 2012